This morning's plan was for 6h of the best with Monas out to the Dandenongs again for what has become the Saturday morning ritual of late.  Today we opted for a sleep in and a 6am rendezvous at Burke and Toorak Rds before heading up the Burwood Hwy and then the Mountain Hwy to the base of the 1/20 climb.

About 5:55am - 5 minutes before the rendezvous point, I hear a crunch then a snap then a crackle and pop from the right pedal.  It then starts squealing like a pig for the next 5mins until we meet.  On further inspection, this will be lucky to last 30mins more before let alone 5.5h of punishment, it was terminal to say the least.  

I left Jimi, he headed out to the Nongs and I decided it was best to head back home (pedal complained heavily for the next 30min) and call it a day or possibly make an F1 style pit stop, pedal change from the Times to the Look Keos and continue on my merry way.  So, after enduring the 30min ride back home, I crept into the house (girls still fairy dreaming) and went about the changeover.  2mins tops and I was back on the road and would catchup with Jimi on the mountain somewhere.

I never thought I would be so keen to want to ride hills for 6h.  Years ago I once hated the thought of anything that went up, I just don't mix well with gravity, but things have slowly started to change.  I no longer dread the ascents like I once did and now rather enjoy the challenge that a good hill presents itself.  It's not to say I find it easy, it still hurts, but I happily find my rhythm and can even attack from time to time rather than just hang on for dear life.  Perhaps it has something to do with the Pinarello FP2, just a thought????

So, a great 6h of actual ride time was had, close to 170km covered (all undulating), some good climbing and fun, Jimi and I consumed what is becoming the customary Red Bull, Can of Coke and massive jam donut towards the later part of the ride.  In the end, I was glad that the pedal blowout did not put an end to my day.

Jimi races the Geelong Olympic next weekend so I'll give the Nongs a rest next week but it has become my new favourite ride and one I will plan into the training schedule at least once every 4 weeks.  The 1/20 climb is a great 7km climb with a gentle 4-5% average grade and The Wall a much tougher climb more in the 10% range.  I hope a few more lads can partake in this glorious riding spot on our doorstop.

Over and out,
