Oh sh!te bitches, that is one nasty nasty day out there, thank the powers that drive this planet that the cool change is coming this afternoon because the race, Geelong 70.3 is on tomorrow and in this heat, it would be murder, actually, they would probably cancel the thing with 46degC and 80kph winds.

Just go back home after going down with Jimi Monas to race registration and bike check-in and it was around 46 coming back over the Westgate into Melbourne and the heat on the windows was fierce.

As for tomorrow, the cooler gale force southerly ;( will at least lower the temperature, BUT, it will be interesting if the event administration team go to contingency measures and make it a duathlon or shortened race of some description.

I think that the lighter brigade will be blown all over the road tomorrow if the wind speed stays the same, us bigger units (78kg+ boys) will find it to our favour and use more of our power and strength to hurt the lighter athletes out there who do not cope well with heavy winds on the bike.

As for the swim, well that's another story altogether, the chop chop on Eastern Beach was fierce, but that was with the north wind blowing, given the southerly change, perhaps calm seas could be the order of the day tomorrow.

No point worrying because that will not change I thing.  For me now, it is feet up, get the carbs in the system, stay hydrated, finish the day off with a Pizza and a Corona and take a very relaxed approach into the race tomorrow.

I for one am looking forward to it.
