What more can be said for the tragic state of affairs that has hit Victoria over the past few days.  It all started when the state hit 47degC on Saturday with 100kph winds, the mother of all days, the perfect conditions for fire to thrive and thrive it sure did.

The death toll just keeps on rising and rising.  Have a quick look at this story which tells the tale of someone who survived to tell their tale of horror.  I never realised how bad it could be, thinking, along with most that staying put and saving the house was a good option, well, I no longer think that.  I think this story will convince you of that.  http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,25026912-2702,00.html

As for our most treasured Kinglake rides that we so often do, take a look at what that ride now entails, it just is not the same.  The above photo says it all.