It has been a good week on the weight loss efforts. I've managed to crack 78kg and keep the 7 day rolling average around 77.8kg. It's been some time since I've managed to get my weight down under 78kg, probably Ironman Port Macq 2007 to be exact.

So, all signs are positive, 75kg here I come. Although I may get the intervention from the wife before I get there but it remains to be seen at this point.

I'm having a rest off the bike tomorrow given it is Mother's Day and I feel it is a warranted rest too. I felt a tad flat on Thu, Fri and this morning on the bike, just did not have the giddy up of the past few weeks. My RHR this morning was elevated too, close to 50bpm which is high for me as it is normally sub 40. This is probably a sign I need 2 days off the bike for some long needed recovery and sleep. The continuous sub 5am starts 6 days a week tend to get the better of you after a while.

In about an hours time I'll be tuning in to stage 1 of the Giro d'Italia live via an Internet feed. Can't wait, too exciting, what a shame SBS don't televise it live. A few links to the coverage here. It should be one cracking race.
