They were needed this morning! The race day brick in prep for Shepp was a very very tough affair. A howling North wind made the going out to Frankston fast and the pace was on. I rode with Caff, Princess and James Monaghan, and, yep, they have the minerals alright! ;)

Just to touch on something Caff said in his blog a few weeks back, you have to surround yourself with guys who KNOW HOW TO HURT and can HARDEN THE PHUK UP when it gets nasty out there, this is the sort of training that makes you fast as you push each other to the edge, the rewards come race day. Leave the self doubters at home!

The ride was close to race day intensity, just a tad under so there wasn't much friendly banter, some, but on the way back into that wind, it was head down and grind. I just love getting all TT and smashing it into a massive head wind, it is the sort of stuff that makes you so strong come race day.

Bottom line, I am feeling strong on the rig and am looking forward to riding in the RED ZONE at Shepp and hanging tough on the run.

Race Day Nutrition Update:
I took on board 140gm per hour of High5 Super Carbs today on the bike which came to 420gm of CHO together with 750ml of water per hour and still felt rather dehydrated. With the increased intensity on the bike, I felt that it was pushing the envelope somewhat and felt it could have come back up with a vengeance on a few occasions, BUT, overall, it stayed down and the 1:40 run off the bike proved no problems at all. I only took 120gm of CHO during the run but downed it all by the 1:10 mark so I have another race day hit out next week and will again go for the 140gm per hour to confirm it once and for all.

Captain in Kona
Here are some links to some awesome photos of Captain at Kona, the first is from Traeges' facebook:

and this link is from the official photographer on race day:
with this link, enter in 1224 for Captains photos and there are some that have been incorrectly assigned to 224.

Over and out
