I'm in it right now and it feels awesome. That feeling you get when your head is in the space that it should be and you feel motivated on all fronts.

Training - do not want to miss a session now and just want to train train train, follow that program to the letter, well for the most part, hit the intensities and hurt. I think I'll be using the "I know how to hurt" mantra in many a session over the next 4 weeks.

Nutrition - bang on target, the old "Try stuffing fewer groceries down your MAW" is working and I am on target to hit my race weight a good few weeks out from Shep and right now, it isn't a chore at all, I can't recall every finding it so easy. I guess the jars of NUTELLA that I shoveled in with ICE CREAM during the TdF curbed a years worth of cravings and I just don't feel like eating crap at the moment.

This motivation seems to have taken a good while to make a comeback and my head space is now right again. I have not felt this motivated since the lead up to Port Macq 07 back in April this year, that seems like many moons ago now, a distant memory.

Maybe it's because Captain CrankIT (aka Julian Wain) is about to tear KONA apart in 6 weeks time, can't wait for that, we started this INSANE sport together back in 2004 (HIM and IM that is), had a dip at the sprint stuff sometime before that so seeing his progress toward IM glory has given me the inspiration and drive that I need right now and it is working.

On that note, my motivation for sleep is overriding all other worldly desires.
