Looking back over the course of last week, it was finally great to get a solid weeks worth of training under the belt and come out the other side intact, albeit sore, but it is that good soreness that you get when you know that the muscles have been working again.

Now I can start to build for Shepparton again and Coach Maty has some nice solid intense sessions in the current block of training that I am looking forward to tackling. It has been a frustrating month with far too many weeks off training due the the lurgy that hit me (and the rest of my family) hard.

But I am glad that I eased back into the program last week as I found the running very taxing on the leg muscles given the 2 week break. I don't generally suffer anywhere near as much when I have a break from riding but running, well that's another story altogether, I'll blame my parents for not smacking my on the head with the cool genetic wand!. Swimming, I'll leave that alone too, but I'll go by the alias of "STONY" or "BARGE" for a while longer.

Enough excuses, on a more positive note, I've been able to out my frustrations on the gang at the Thursday Mag Trainer class that I take, hey, I figured if I can't hurt coz I can't train, well I'll make them hurt and get my endorphin release via a different neural pathway, sadistic I know but a whole lot of fun. Empathy is for the weak :)

Be Thin ==> Go Fast
