As strange as this sounds, I just want to run at the moment, every day, very bizarre! I'm no runner so it is rather weird to be caught up in a running frenzy. I do not want to say this but I am enjoying this element of the 3 disciplines the most at the moment. I'll call it a passing fad!

I think I can blame a man by the name of Dean Karnazes for this sudden affection I have for running. For those not in the know, he is the "Ultramarathon Man" and I have just finished reading his book titled "Ultra Marathon Man - Confessions of an all-night runner". Check out his website here This guy goes on epic runs that last 100 - 200 miles without sleep, insanity!

So, I was smashing out a session on the MT tonight, an absolute brutal 1:50 set with loads of E3 involved and I was in a world of hurt, the book and what he endured kept me focused and on track. I figured at the time, what is 1:50 of hurt compared to running for 3 days straight, yep, nada!

"Immerse yourself in something deeply and with heartfelt intensity - continually improve, never give up - this is fulfillment, this is success." - Dean Karnazes

Better sleep now so I can be avoid slamming my head in this keyboard, I must run in the morn',


Kona Countdown : 31 days to go to IM Glory Captain!