Well - WTF am i doing blogging this at 12:23am on a school night you might ask! Aah, off work with a dreaded lurgy! Bronchitis of all things which sux as I have not been able to train since the Sat 4h ride in the wet of which I came off at the 3:55 mark on the tram tracks on Swanston St, doh!

Have to say it has been frustrating missing out on some key sessions but I am glad that my race isn't until mid November, Shep HIM.

I figure it's best to keep away from the masses right now as I feel like a brush with me could be detrimental to your long term health.

Oh well, more time to listen to all the cool podcasts at
http://www.tri-talk.com . Dave is absolutely fantastic, he's the geek to end all tri geeks which is why I find his talks fascinating. If you have a spare few hours, listen to his podcasts, they rock. You can hear the saliva dripping from his mouth as he discusses the various topics, he is one passionate man.

"The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher." - Thomas Huxley, biologist
