Scorecard : Lurgy 13 - Komo 1

Okay, it had the upper hand but I have it beat, just managed a 45m run, first bout of activity in 13 days, it has been one bitch to overcome, but alas it is game over for it and the training can now recommence, albeit progressively.

I am meant to be in the midst of an brutal two week smash fest period right now, but I will drag the program from 14 days ago back to Monday and start building up to this period once again.

Now the run, planned on running 45m at E1+, RPE 13-14 (Perceived Effort out of 20), now the RPE was definitely 13-14, but the HR was out of control, more like E2b+ to E3, and then for some mysterious reason, E4 in the last 5mins. BUT, it did not feel intense.

This tells me that my lungs are still in recovery mode and are not yet efficient enough to take in the normal amount of O2 that I am accustomed too, hence the heart having to work harder than normal to deliver the Oxygen to my working muscles.

Bottom line, I do not care, I am back, hell, the heart has 2.5 billion beats or thereabouts in a lifetime and so what, mine used up a few more today, I guess when it gets back to sub 30's in a rested state once I get over this, I can afford an extra few here or there.

Over and out
