OKAY, I don't exactly have a runner's builds as I've been told numerous times now. Should that be an excuse for sub-optimal run times that have to date, spanned my entire triathlon racing career! NOT!

I read a brief article the other day that suggested if you are weak in a specific discipline, for example "the bike", that you should spend the majority of an entire year focusing solely on the bike and bike only ignoring the other facets and watch that bike come good! (keep swimming and running but very minimal levels) It was based along the lines that Pro Cat 1 and Cat 2 cyclists spend approx. 550 - 600 km on the bike per week and as triathletes, we don't even come close to these levels.

So, if I want to run the 3:15 marathon off the bike, should I drop the long rides and focus on running faster for 12 months? Seems like a rather long time to trial an approach that might make your run faster, but your bike and swim turn to utter muck!

Here is my dilemma, I need to roll 2 years into 1 so I can correct the running and the swimming.....Mmm, maybe I'll convert and become a roadie.

Off on a tangent, I think I spoke too soon, the "Lurgy" is winning the battle! Just when I thought I was over it, it seems to have come back with a vengeance and is punishing me. A run from the house to the car to avoid rain had me blowin' chow, looks like it will be another 2-3 days out of action. Just can't shake this sucker!

