Out riding with Gaffer this morning to Mornington in what has become the normal weather pattern in recent times, loads of wind - Northerly too and once again, rain.

That is not the point of this wee rant though. As we got close to Blackrock on the return journey and 2 flats later (too many bogans throwing bottles from their Toranas in between Mordi and Frangers), we were passed by No. 3 riding an Orbea.

As he passed us, we thought, WTF is that smell? He smelt like a hooker's handbag. He had that much after shave on it was rather sickening. I must say, it is not something that I am used to when out on the bike. It just seems plain wrong when someone passes you smelling like the ground floor Bourke St fragrance department at Myer Melbourne.

Not sure what was worst, the stench of this fella as we were down wind of him or the fact that he passed us wearing a t-shirt with a 3 on his back smelling that way. Given he wasn't wet or dirty we both figured he just got on his rig at that point. We did make sure that we put the hammer down and passed him, we just could not cope with the brunt of Old Spice infiltrating our nasal passage.

So lads and lassies, leave the Eau de Parfum for the post ride post shower. Nothing wrong with the smell of sweat, tears and dirty Lycra on the bike.
