The title sums up the North Rd ride this morning. 
Gaffer and myself rode out to Mordi via Sth Melbourne along Beach Rd with the intention of picking up the North Rd ride at or close to Mordi on the return leg back to Melbourne.  As we turned at Mordi, the bunch was motoring along at the usual 45kph so we picked up the pace and settled into the last 3/4 of the bunch and made our way towards Rickett's Point.  It was at this stage that all hell broke loose on the section near Beaumaris where the dual lane turns to one.
Travelling at approx. 45kph, at first I heard the clash of carbon, then came the squeal of brakes, and then saw bikes launch and go airborne and about 4 or 5 riders on the tarmac. I yelled stopping as loud as I possibly could and we managed to pull up in time.  It was probably extremely lucky that the number was not double or triple but the evasive manoeuvres to avoid the carnage worked for most.
We all stopped and made sure that the boys on the ground were OK and a few riders diverted the cars around the mass pile up as we helped the fallen get back on their feet.  Luckily no real damage was done, just missing skin here and there but I'm sure there will be a few sore bodies over the next day or so.  The bikes may be another story entirely.
It just shows how fine a line we tread at times and there is no doubt you need to be alert and on your tows at all times on this ride.
We both then set a cracking pace back to St Kilda towing the remnants of the bunch.
Phew, unscathed for now,
P.S. Hopefully the wife does not see this :0