I find it amusing when I contemplate the crap that goes through my mind when I'm out running for countless hours. I've been blessed with runs from 2:20 to 2:50 in prep for Port Macq which is less than 3 weeks away. I have made a conscious decision on every run to leave the MP3 player at home and use mind games to get through the runs.

I ran with Caff and Pistol on Wed morning, we had a 2:30 run before work and whilst some of the run was at a hot pace, we did get a chance to have some jog floats and chew the fat. I told the lads that while I was out on my Sunday run which was in 40DegC heat and it was 2:50 long, I started to sing some weird 5hite. Some tunes that sprung to mind:

I guess the heat was phuking with my mind at this point - singing about sun and heat in the heat, doh!

- Summer Holiday - Cliff Richard
- April Sun in Cuba - Dragon

Then, I seemed to switch on to what was happening and sang about the rain coz I needed to cool down and waters was at that point as precious as gold. So, along came:
- Rain - Dragon

Mixed amongst these songs were a few spatterings of:
- Fast Smooth In The Groove
- Take the Pain Sandwich
- I Know How To Hurt

The crap that goes through the mind is bizarre, it is a battlefield and if it works, GOLD!

Countdown to Port Macq is on, last big weekend of training and then a progressive taper for 2 weeks. I am itching to race. Slowly but surely, the check boxes are getting ticked off, one by one.

Smash Smash, time to go and play on the new 2008 P3C tomorrow for the first time, giddy up!
