It seems that every time I have a decent ride of late, it rains, not just drizzle, torrential rain.

I rode out to Kinglake this morning with Princess and PK (Peter K) and once again the rain gods unleashed their fury on us. Speaking with PK during the ride, we detected a recurring pattern. We have now ridden together on 4 separate occasions and came to the conclusion that on each ride, we have been hammered by rain. Hence our new name, "The Drought Busters".

So, next time the state needs rain, we figure we'll schedule a ride and bang, it will pi55 down like no tomorrow!

Problem with riding in the rain, the % chance of a puncture(s) increases significantly. PK had 2 on the mountain and Princess 1 which included a partially shredded rear tyre, WTF! After some thought, I remember reading an article in a newsletter at that suggested using the blown tube as insulation b/w the tyre and the new tube.

So, we laced the tyre with the old tube minus the valve, then jammed the 2nd good tube inside the tyre and then jammed it back on the rim. How many cyclists does it take to change a tyre? 3, it took all 3 of us to get the phuker on as it was jammed with 2 tubes. Best of all, Princess got back to Melbourne on it.

Add that to the arsenal of tricks, it is solid gold and will definitely get you home, we just made sure Princess stayed at the back as we where expecting it to blow at some point. ;)

I'm off now to give the bike a nice rub down after the smashing it took this morning ;)
